Damper Seals

Control Leakage, Create Damping

Bearings Plus offers a variety of damper seal technologies to ensure reliable rotordynamic operation for high-performance applications.

These sealing technologies not only control leakage but also generate damping to improve machine stability. This damping capability enables superior subsynchronous damping performance of rotating systems at high operating speeds.

Hole pattern damper seal - split design
Honeycomb damper seal

System Stability

Damper seals allow the addition of damping at the ideal location along the shaft, not necessarily at the bearing locations, thereby enhancing system stability. In high-pressure centrifugal compressors, they are usually implemented at the balance piston, center seal or impeller eye locations.

Our state-of-the-art engineering tools and manufacturing processes ensure compliance with precise specifications and rigorous quality standards.

Typical Applications

  • High-pressure centrifugal compressors
  • High-speed integrally geared compressors
  • Turbo-expanders
  • Steam turbines
Honeycomb damper seal

Honeycomb Seals

Honeycomb damper seals feature precisely machined, tightly packed individual chambers to create pressure drop and prevent gas swirl.
Hole pattern damper seal

Hole Pattern Seals

Hole pattern seals work on a principle similar to the honeycomb seal. Typically, they allow slightly more leakage but can handle higher pressures.
TAMSEAL pocketed damper seal

Pocketed Damper Seals

An alternative to labyrinth seals, pocketed damper seals have individual teeth that are machined with dams to provide damping and prevent gas swirl.